Exploring the interfaces between Statistics and Financial Education: Brazilian High School students’ perception of the Sustainable Development Goals
Statistical Education, Financial Education, Transdisciplinarity, Sustainability, SDGResumo
Brazil is experiencing broad curricular reform, after the publication of the National Common Curricular Base — BNCC, especially with the advent of New Secondary Education, such as the introduction of Financial Education, the expansion and deepening of Statistical Education, guidance for the approach through projects and the appreciation of contemporary transversal themes concerned with the environment (such as the Sustainable Development Goals — SDG, proposed by the UN in the 2030 Agenda). In this context, we conducted qualitative research, of an exploratory nature, involving 99 high school students, seeking to understand their perception regarding such changes, involving Statistics, Financial Education and SDG. The results indicate a lack of confidence in the school's ability to adequately guide them regarding their Financial Education, recognition of the need to improve knowledge in Probability and Statistics, to understand the new challenges of the 21st century, exposed in the 2030 Agenda, as well as to promote changes socioeconomic conditions to meet such demands.
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